The positions page contains all the positions of the user in the current trading session. This page contains all the positions across the exchanges (NSE, BSE, MCX) and will display positions irrespective of the product type (Intraday, CNC, Margin, CO, BO)
This fully loaded orders page will provide the user with the following functionality:
- View all the positions
- View the profit & loss of the closed positions
- View the real-time profit and loss of the open positions
- Close open positions
- Convert open positions from one product type to another
Branded button for Positions page
You can use the branded button for the hosted positions page
<fyers-button data-open="positionbook" data-fyers="API_KEY"></fyers-button>
Custom button for Positions page
You can create a custom button for the hosted positions page and assign it to the same functionality.
<!--A custom button--!>
<button id="custom-button">Orders</button>
var fyers = new Fyers("API_KEY")
//link the button id to positions module